Optical astrophysics laboratory  

- telescope types, telescope mount types, - CCD (Charge-Coupled Devices): operation, types, coating, analog-to-digital converters - characterization of CCD: quantum efficiency, readout noise, dark current, CCD pixel size, pixel binning, full well capacity and windowing, overscan and bias, CCD gain and dynamic range, - CCD imaging: image or plate scale, flat fielding, calculation if read noise and gain, Signal-to-Noise ratio, basic CCD data reduction, CCD imaging, - Photometry and Astrometry: stellar photometry from digital images, two-dimensional profile fitting, aperture photometry, absolute versus differential photometry, astrometry, pixel sampling. - fits format, AstroImageJ software - performing optical observations with the use of one of three optical telescopes at the Institute of Astronomy
Optical astrophysics laboratory

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